Infos clés
- Type de contrat : CDI
- Domaine d'activité : Non spécifié
- Lieu de travail : A préciser
- Expérience : Débutant
- Niveau d'étude minimum : Licence
- Salaire : à négocier
Profil souhaité
Une personne, homme ou femme ayant entre 25 et 55 ans avec comme niveau d´étude Licence ni plus ni moins parlant et écrivant français, anglais
Description du profil
About us
An inter urban transportation company, Parklane Travels is looking to provide affordable yet comfortable transportation services within the national territory. Commencing with the Buea-Yaoundé route, We are actively seeking the services of an IT Administrator.
As the IT Admin, your roles and responsibilities will be as follows:
Main Tasks and Responsibilities
- Assist with hardware – Building machines, installing software applications/updates
- Perform regular maintenance of computer systems, printers, network systems and any other technical equipment.
Assist in creation and maintenance of user accounts
Ensure all computers are backed up so all files are up to date.
- Run periodic and spontaneous security checks against cybersecurity threats.
- Assist customers in creating and recovering their accounts
- Assist customers in resetting their passwords
- Troubleshoot and fix common hardware/software issues
- Have access to the complete system and help with payment issues.
- Assist in website maintenance
- Data Collection
Qualification and Requirements:
- Bachelor’s Degree in computer science/Information technology or any other related subjects.
- Minimum 2 years’ experience as IT support or related field.
- Fluent in written and spoken English and French.
- Exceptional understanding of a Computer System.
- Understand how the Parklane booking system works and where to find all information.
- Understands how to gather data and use excel for data analysis.
Ideal qualities:
- Resourceful, ‘Can do’ attitude.
- Ability to work in a fast paced and high-pressure environment.
- Be prompt/available especially for time sensitive tasks.
- Be vigilant, proactive, professional.
- Excellent numerical, communication and organizational skills.
To apply, send CVs and Cover letters to in pdf or word format with subject “IT Administrator”
PS: Specify your location e.g. (Buea, Yaoundé, Douala)
Closing date: 28th March 2022.
NB: Only qualified candidates will be contacted
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Obtenez une embauche plus rapide, plus rapide et plus facile avec Akwajobs Coaching, cliquez pour vous inscrire : ou parlez au coach de carrière 681 390 326
Les recrutements au Cameroun sont gratuits, prenez garde si des frais vous sont demandés et n´envoyez jamais de l´argent par transfert électronique (MOMO ou OM), ni de pièces personnelles comme votre CNI
Recruitments in Cameroon are free, be careful if fees are requested and never send money by electronic transfer (MOMO or OM), or personal documents like your CNI
Principales tâches
Assist in creation and maintenance of user accounts
Postuler à l'offre it administrator en utilisant le moyen cité par le recruteur dans la description de son offre.
Si vous n'avez pas de compte cliquer ici pour en créer un.